It seems that way after last night’s American Idol. Singer Megan Joy, American Idol Contestant was ousted last night after a string of less-than-stellar performances. And, while it was emotional and sad for her, it seemed like there was a part of her that was relieved. From the start, the stunning Ms. Joy mad made it apparent that her friends and family ribbed her incessantly about getting American Idol, which she half-heartedly submitted to.
Out of all the contestants, Megan had been struggling to find her way during the last few performances. Paul Brighton, Audition’s co-founder said, “Megan is the kind of singer that needs songs written around her. A pianist or guitarist writing the chords and working the tune to bring out the quirky, jazzy inflections would do her good in a studio environment. But, what happened here is she was trying to project herself into songs that she loved, unfortunately without reciprocity.”
What was truly amazing were the results of our American Idol Top Choice Singer poll, right here on Our results matched the results of the American public to the tee, showing Megan Joy last, Anoop Desai a close second, and Danny Gokey and Adam Lambert head-to-head. “I guess all one had to do was read our blog to see the results of the show,” laughed Paul.
What happens next on American Idol remains to be seen. After taking a poll here at our offices in New York and Connecticut, it’s unanimous. Singer Adam Lambert seems to be on top right now. All we can do is wait until next week to see what Adam and Danny will do next.
Written By
Jared Lifeson
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