Monday, April 20, 2009

Amazing Young Shaheen Jafargholi Steals Spotlight from Susan Boyle

Young Singer Shaheen Jafargholi on Britain's Got TalentBarely a week week after Susan Boyle, the quiet, very un-showbusiness-y Scottish woman became a worldwide sensation following her stunning audition on the British TV program "Britain's Got Talent," a 12-year-old Welch boy named Shaheen Jafargholi's has been praised for his "life-changing" performance on the show after Simon Cowell gave him a standing ovation.

Things were not looking good for Shaheen when Cowell stopped the audition after one verse of “Valerie” (by the Zutons, covered by Amy Winehouse).

"You've got this really wrong," said Cowell. "What do you sing apart from that?"

Young Shaheen then performed "Who's Loving You," a Smokey Robinson song performed by The Jackson Five, bringing the audience to its feet as he delivered a rendition that brought Simon Cowell and fellow judges Piers Morgan and Amanda Holden to their feet.

"This is how one song can change your life," Cowell said to Shaheen. "This may be the start of something special for you young man.

Morgan wrote in his blog that Shaheen had been the stand-out act of the show and suggested him as a possible challenger to Susan Boyle for the show’s prize. Last week's amazing performance by 47-year old amateur singer Boyle brought worldwide attention to herself with her version of the Les Miserables' tune "I Dreamed a Dream". Shaheen still has a way to go to match Boyles metioric popularity.

AuditonPortal's Paul Brighton added "I still think Susan Boyle was more of a surprise and her story had a little more depth. Susan's story resonated with me because people were mocking her prior to the performance, she had a story that tugged at the world's heartstrings and a wonderful singing voice to match. Shaheen is an amazing singer as well and I believe he will fare well in the competition no matter what, but Susan Boyle was an inspiration. Can't wait to see where this all ends up."

Morgan wrote "Once Simon got him to sing the right kind of song for his voice, he was sensational. Like a young Stevie Wonder."

Shaheen has been singing since he was two years old. "When I was a bit older my mum got me some singing lessons and my voice just got bigger and bigger," he said. "Hopefully this is going to be my big break."

We certainly hope so! Good luck Shaheen.

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