When this whole American Idol season started a few months ago I was enamored with Danny. Held him in the highest regard. I don't know, maybe it was his story, or his deceased young wife that tugged on my heartstrings? Regardless, I was quick to say he was my favorite, the winner, the guy who's records I'd buy. But lately, and especially after last night, I'm not feeling Danny so much anymore. Yeah, he's got a great voice, but the choices he's making lead me to believe he'll continue to make bad choices, even when he's in control of his career, post AI.
I call it "The Scream Heard Around the World!'
Danny decided to sing "Dream On" by Aerosmith, and from note-one, I pulled out the pillow I was resting on from under my head.
What was I preparing for? Was there to be a message flashing across the bottom of my screen that Afghanistan was invading America? Was it that President Obama was caught in a love tryst with Nancy Pelosi? No, I was preparing for something much more serious. Danny was about to do the scream at the end of "Dream On." And I, in great anticipation of this about-to-be fallen hero's poor song choice, clenched my jaw, stuck my head in the pillow as deep as I could to muffle the sound...and screamed along with him..."noooooooooo!" "Make it stop, make it stop!" I yelled this repeatedly, trying to cover the sound of Danny's screech. But no, there it lingered like a mother wailing for a long lost child– like a bloodied child running in the house after scraping both knees, like a...well you get it! When it was over I looked at the screen and literally watched a stunned audience and the judges meander their way out of saying everything but "That really sucked, Danny."
Why did it happen? Why did Danny pick that song. It's just beyond comprehension.
I give him props for trying, but Dude, Dog, Cat, try it in your own soundproof bathroom, not with 40 million people watching.
I enjoyed the rest of the performances, and thought they all did a great job this week.
But I expect the final two will be Adam and Allison. When it came down to it, I think Allison definitely stole Danny's thunder, and at this stage she may have knocked Danny right out.
For that I give Adam props, for raising the bar for Allison and providing her with a little healthy competition. The should really record a track together, even though duets are kinds cheesy these days. My ear for duets will never be the same after being traumatized by Huey Lewis & Gwenneth Paltrow's "Crusin." But maybe Allison & Adam will change my mind.
Let's see what happens tonight!
Paul Brighton
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